Saturday, October 1, 2011

Holden Shawlette Knit Along! AND BOOBS!

My dear, dear knitters and poets! Today is October 1, and that means it is International Breast Cancer Awareness Day. I, personally, had two aunts pass away from breast cancer, and my grandmother was a breast cancer survivor. I know many of us have been affected by this horrible disease. And we knitters, being the awesome people that we are, have put forth a lot of effort to raise awareness. Your LYS probably collects pink scarves, shawls and hats to donate to breast cancer patients. And if you’re extra rad, you may have participated in The Big Breast’s Global Tit Knit. That’s right, all of our bad ass yarn bomber friends out there kitted up adorable little boobies, attached breast cancer info to them, and bombed their towns with them. How awesome would it be to find a cute little boobie at the post office, or at Starbucks? I love the idea, and am definitely going to try to participate next year (we’ll see if this grad school thing still has a choke hold on me).

Knitty titty! (Photo courtesy of Kim Hartmann)

Boob bombed! (Photo courtesy of Kim Hartmann)
So, when she was out performing her yarn bomb bad assery (or should I say “boobery”? No, that’s just silly.), my friend Kim’s (of At Knits End Yarns) car went kaput. To that end, she is having a 20% off sale in her shop to fund car repairs. It ain’t easy being a yarn bomb desperado, traversing the mean streets of New York, putting tits here and there. Go buy some of her yummy yarns and help this gal get her transportation up and running (Coupon code: BUSTED). After all, this happened while she was YARN BOMBING FOR BREAST CANCER AWARENESS, people. She is practically eligible for sainthood at this point. I’m pretty sure.
After day of yarn bombing and car breaking, my dear friend wanted to start a new project, and after going back and forth on Twitter, several of us (notoriousjwc, knittynatter) realized we all have the adorbs Holden Shawlette in our Rav queues. IS THAT A KAL I SMELL??? Yes, it is! We decided to have an informal, impromptu knit along. Details below!
Holden Shawlette Knit Along!
Starts: Monday, October 10
Materials: 430-450 yards Light Fingering Weight yarn (Pattern uses one skein Malabrigo Sock)
                US 6 needles
This is a free pattern and super cute, so join us for the KAL! We’re even going to have PRIZES!!! I’m not sure what, yet, but definitely some yarn! Additionally, I will be donating $10 to Susan G. Komen for the Cure. I know it isn’t much, but remember guys? Grad student? It’s the best I can dooooo.
So dig out your sock yarn (I know you have a shit ton in your stash) and leave me a comment that you’re gonna join us! You have a little over a week to prepare yourself! Getting gauge shouldn’t be necessary unless you have a limited amount of yarn, but I know some of you will want to swatch anyway. (And if anyone is wondering, I'll be using Knitters Brewing Co.'s Sock-Aholic sock yarn in the awesome girlie colorway "Foo Foo Drink.") Send me a pic of your unknit yarn and I will be blogging everyone’s progress here so we can all ooh and aah over the cuteness. Ready? 1, 2, 3 KNIT ALONG!
Go read some poetry! I don't have any for you today, though. Too busy getting ready for the KAL!
PS-- The sale at Kim's shop goes through tomorrow. Coupon code: BUSTED. After tomorrow there will be a coupon code for the KAL knitters, also! Thanks, Kim! Sho your appreciation by buying some of her yummy-smelling yarn!